In Germany’s old days lovely inns have been the ‚social platforms’ where all locals met to have a beer or too many, enjoy the delicious home-cooking style food and to chat and chat…. Each tiny village had to have at least one, towns had one in each quarter and bigger cities one on every corner.
Unfortunately – unlike the French & Italians – the Germans enjoy every day all cuisines of the world but their own, so that most local inns died over the years. You can find them still in Southern Germany – and in two very special cities, which are close to each other – but strangely in a half eye twinkling, half fierce competition: DÜSSELDORF vs COLOGNE! One aspect are the different beers: the a bit bitter ‚Altbier’ vs the very light ,Kölsch’.
The ANTONIUSHOF was an iconic example of a lovely Düsseldorf inn – before it closed.
In 2022 a young and very successful owner of another inn took over the Antoniushof, renovated it carefully without destroying the ambiance and reopened it under a young but tradition-conscious management. Today you will find there the best of two worlds: the traditional inn culture – but with todays higher culinary demands. It’s always packed, so for eating you need a reservation.
Whenever I’m in Düsseldorf: I have to indulge all my senses with the lovely lovely experience at the Antoniushof. Prost Altbier!