This one is very special to me: for the sake of transparency I want to clarify that I never ever had any private or business relationship with one of the restaurants in my reviews – except this one.
I developed, launched and managed THE BROOKLYN BEEF CLUB (later renamed as THE BROOKLYN) until I sold it eight years ago. The location is a bit hidden and actually in addition unfortunately blocked by construction sites – but it’s still worth the way.
When you arrive you’ll see blood red vertical neon signs like in Manhattan in the Fifties. When you enter the place via the stairway to the basement you might feel a bit like in a ‚Speak Easy’ during the prohibition – but don’t be afraid, the hundred open whiskies are now legally available. The design is mostly still as I wanted it to look: like a Manhattan steak house. Except of a few small changes the new owner did (to my regret). The wonderful head chef is still the one I was lucky to get years ago for the Brooklyn, the steaks are still authentic American and the Bar still offers the widest selection of open rare whiskies in Berlin, as far as I know.
Do you like me to reveal a secret?
Ask the Head Chef and Maitre to sit at the BAD BOYS TABLE … But please … SPEAK EASY !