When you’re sad and down (and happen to be in Düsseldorf) – I strongly recommend                   THE ITALIAN THERAPY at the CARISSIMA!  Be on your own, take a seat at the large high table, start with a Prosecco and a Negroni (yes, right & left hand drinking) – quickly you will find yourself in a conversation with your neighbors …

Then I recommend the special pasta followed by some grilled fish. Ask the Cameriere for a very good wine, since „you have to celebrate something”. For sure he will ask you and you will confess: „my girl left me”! Within minutes all the other waiters will know and show all their sympathy to you – since they may remember …

You leave the rest of your tasty bottle for the staff, give a generous tip and will be goodbye-ed with a Grappa and a loud hug.

Finally you walk the few minutes from the TRATTORIA CARISSIMA to the green meadows of the River RHINE and you will sing: LA VITA È BELLA !